
Gaonn in Media

An infant health care app, includes a casebook of companies using public data in 2022


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(최종) 2022년 공공데이터 활용 사례집_페이지_33.png

(최종) 2022년 공공데이터 활용 사례집_페이지_34.png

"The baby restaurant is a smart infant health app that provides objective nutritional analysis and customized diet with patent-based algorithms."

Q. I've seen a lot of diet management apps for adults, but I think infant diet management apps are rare. Please introduce the restaurant app in more detail.

A. The baby restaurant is a health care app that helps you eat proper baby food in infancy. It is not just a diary app that records parenting information, but analyzes information on baby characteristics and nutritional status based on life-cycle databases established by Gaonn's own data and public data from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and recommends foods to eat tomorrow. If you keep recording, you can have 1:1 monthly counseling with nutrition and childcare experts, enabling more professional health care.

Q. I think the technology and expertise of a company are very important to provide customized nutrition management services for babies?

A. In 2012, while planning a data-based healthcare business at U2 Bio Co., Ltd., a former company that mainly supplied services for hospitals and clinics, we developed a "milk nutrition analysis" service by setting the direction to B2C rather than B2B. At this time, we secured solid technology by identifying the nutritional balance of breast milk through dietary intake and breast milk test data and registering it as a patent. Based on this technology, we made a nutritional balance solution for mothers and children as a service, but it was difficult to apply it to the actual childcare site. Therefore, we established a research institute to develop an objective customized diet management solution based on inspection and measurement, and we are carrying out the project by acquiring a factory that can exclusively produce various recipes researched and developed here.

Q. What public data are you currently using and how did you find out?

A. The baby restaurant app analyzes the characteristics and nutritional status of the baby recorded by the user with various types of public data provided by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and recommends foods to eat tomorrow to help healthy childcare. This restaurant app uses information on health functional food nutrition DB and food nutrition DB of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Through the promotional materials of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, we learned that various food data such as general food, food ingredients, and processed food can be secured as public data. Without public data, DB would have been established by combining nutrients and composition costs one by one for general food, processed food, and raw materials, and in the process, they would have had to bear considerable cost.

Q. Please tell us about Gaonn's future plans and goals.

A. Our various services, including The baby Restaurant, expect to achieve 4 billion won in sales as of 2022. Since then, it has grown step by step and aims to achieve 34 billion won by 2026. In addition, we plan to develop and sell integrated solutions and commercialization modules for various services that we are currently providing. Specifically, product-related businesses such as customized meal replacement and functional snacks will be unified into customized nutrition judgment-linked HMR commercialization modules, and the service targets will be expanded by developing new nutritional analysis and judgment app services for women and high-risk patients. In addition, we will develop nutritional improvement and analysis apps and sensors for each purpose that track periods and real-time by 2026 and provide them as integrated solutions.

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